Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion at Pinner Wood

Pinner Wood is a school at the ‘heart of our community.’ This is one of our values that we explicitly teach children.

As a school we committed to creating an environment where ALL children feel represented, valued and safe.

As part of that commitment, we are keeping Diversity, Equity and inclusion at the forefront of our minds. This is embodied by a whole school approach to various areas of school life. During a recent school inset, all members of staff, some governors and some parents came together to form working groups looking into various areas of school life. These groups were as follows:

The curriculum: adapting the curriculum to further reflect pupil diversity

Literature: diversifying the literature available to pupils and engage parents in the process

Learning environment: making it more engaging and representative of all pupils

Trips/experiences: providing all pupils with a breadth of trips and experiences regardless of background

Pupil voice: increase the engagement and confidence of all pupils

Parent voice: establish lines of communication with hard-to-reach parents

Throughout this year we will continue to work on these areas to ensure we build on existing good practise and look for new ideas. Pupils will be heard at each stage and be able to offer their suggests and ideas to our projects.

We have started sharing our work with families – for example at our recent book morning. We look forward to sharing further actions with our community throughout this year.


'Bee You' Campaign

This year, to continue with our ongoing initiative in DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) we are launching an inclusive campaign at school to celebrate what makes us different/unique and build children's self-esteem.

In keeping with our school values, we have decided to link this to 'Betty Bee Heart of the Community' with the strap line, 'Bee You'.

Throughout the first half term we will run a series of assemblies discussing what makes us who we are - for example: family​, friends​, Interests/hobbies​, experiences​, culture, religion, languages, skills/talents. 

The purpose of this is to raise children's self-esteem (to be happy with who they are) - at the same time we will help them to understand that their differences will help build a better Pinner Wood community.  



Celebrating with our community

A variety of festivals are celebrated throughout the Year at Pinner Wood School to honour seasonal, national and religios celebrations for the many different cultures in our community.

The children are actively involved in the preparation for each celebration through activities, songs and stories. Furthermore, festivals are a wonderful opportunity for not only the whole school to come together, but the wider community of parents as well.

Here are some of the festivals we celebrate throughout the year. Many more are celebrated through assemblies, class plays, and a variety of events.


How Pinner Wood celebrated Festival
We held a family Iftar Dinner for the school community where families from a range of different cultures attended to celebrate Iftar
The children made their own hats in class and then the whole school celebrated with a parade in the playground in the afternoon accompanied by music and dancing Windrush 
Children celebrate with Christmas shows in EYFS and the whole school eat Christmas Dinner together while wearing their Christmas Jumpers Christmas
Children decorated thier very own easter bonnets then enjoyed an afternoon taking part in the Easter parade, egg rolling and Easter an Egg hunt Easter
The Reception children take part in the Holi festival of colour by throwing powder paint to create a piece of art Holi
The whole school enjoyed eating chinese food for lunch and Nursery children took part in a dragon dance Chinese New Year
Children who are part of Guides, Scouts, Beavers and Cubs come to school in their uniform World Thinking Day
Children and staff wore odd socks to school to show that it's ok to be different and stand up against bullying and discrimination Odd Socks Day
Pinner Wood take part in 'Hello Yellow' day Children came to school wearing a yellow accessory with their uniform to support raising awareness around young peoples mental health World Mental Health Day
Children come to school dressed as their favorite character from a book to celebrate books and reading worldwide World Book Day
Children in Year 4 take part in a Diwali assembly for other children and parents  Diwali

We know there are a number of other religions, celebrations and festivals celebrated by our school community and we endevour to include these within our learning, including assemblies, RE days and class discussions. 

Our Commitment

In the decisions we make, policies we adopt and in our curriculum design we carefully consider equality and the possible implications for all pupils and especially those with protected characteristics. This is as part of our commitment to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requirement to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations.


The School Population

  • Pinner Wood has a strong ethos of inclusion, every child is treated as an individual and has the opportunity to thrive
  • The school is a vibrant mix of various cultures and religions which represents our diverse wider community
  • The percentage of the school population with other than English believed to be a child’s first language is consistently above the national percentage
  • There are approximately 46 different languages spoken by the children
  • The population consists of over 16 different ethnicities
  • The school population represents approximately 7 different religions. The staff population is representative of our diverse community and there are 24 different languages spoken by the staff


  • The school adheres to statutory equal opportunities when recruiting and promoting staff
  • The Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and Leadership Team are responsible for overseeing and reviewing equalities procedures


  • The school has rigorous safeguarding policies in place
  • The school has a clear disability accessibility plan in place
  • All policies are assessed to ensure that they carefully consider equality and the possible implications for all pupils


  • There is coverage within the curriculum to promote children’s understanding of equalities issues and to prepare them to become responsible, global citizens
  • The school participates in a wide range of events and activities to highlight equality issues including community cohesion, global awareness, gender roles, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
  • All reasonable adjustments are made to ensure the school’s physical environment is suitable for all children, staff, parents and visitors

Consultation and Involvement

  • The school provides regular opportunities to find out how children think and feel about the school
  • The school has procedures for consulting and involving parents and carers in all aspects of school life


  • The school uses data to rigorously track the progress and attainment of all groups including but not limited to gender, ethnicity, disability and pupil premium
  • If any groups of children are identified as being at risk of underachievement, additional resources are put in place to enable each child to reach their potential



More information on SEND, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion can be read in our policies on our policies and procedures page.

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Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468

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Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468
