Aims and objectives
Our policy on school uniform is based on the belief that school uniform:
- promotes a sense of pride in our school;
- helps to create a sense of community and belonging towards the school;
- identifies the children with the school;
- supports our commitment to inclusion;
- prevents children from wearing ‘fashion clothes’ that could be distracting in class;
- is practical, smart and designed with health and safety in mind;
- is considered good value for money by most parents;
We expect all pupils to comply with this uniform policy, which will be monitored. Any pupil who falls short of these requirements will be advised of this fact by their class teacher and given the opportunity to improve. Continued failure to comply will be brought to the attention of the Headteacher.
The Role of Parents
We believe that one of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that it is clean, in good repair and that the child’s name is written on all items.
The Role of Governors
The governing body supports the Headteacher in implementing the School Uniform Policy. It considers all representations from parents regarding the uniform policy and liaises with the Headteacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity. It is the governors’ responsibility to ensure that the school uniform meets all regulations concerning equal opportunities. Governors ensure that the school Uniform Policy enables children to dress sensibly, in clothing that is hardwearing, safe and practical.
Where to buy School uniform
Branded school uniform and ties can be purchased KEVINS SCHOOLWEAR,
104 March Road, Pinner HA5 5NA telephone 0208 866 7208
Website: Kevins-schoolwear.co.uk
Unbranded uniform can also be bought from most major stores at competitive prices.
Second hand uniforms take place at all major FPW events throughout the year and are also available to buy from the office for a donation.
Each Thursday Lisa Bennett holds a seond hand coat swap in the garden area where you can bring a coat to donate, or take one from the rail - all donations must be clean.
Reception to Year 2 - Winter Uniform – Autumn and Spring Terms
- Green sweatshirt/jumper or sweatcardigan with Pinner Wood logo
- Grey long trousers
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress
- White polo shirt (Does not need to have a logo)
- White/dark socks or tights
- Black shoes
Years 3 - 6
- Green V-neck jumper/sweatshirt or knitted/sweatcardigan with Pinner Wood logo
- Grey long trousers
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress
- White shirt long or short sleeves
- School tie (Year 3 up)
- White/dark socks or tights
- Black shoes
Optional Summer Uniform from Easter onwards
- Grey shorts/long trousers
- White/green checked dress
- Black shoes
- White or dark socks or tights
P.E. Kit- can be worn to school on PE Days (usually two days per week)
- House colour t shirt and jumper with school logo
- Black shorts (no logo)
- For winter months black joggers or leggings
- Trainers preferably black or white – no high fashion.
- Green sweatshirt or sweatcardigan with Pinner Wood logo
- Grey long trousers or own bottoms
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress
- Traditional school polo shirt.
- Trainers or comfortable shoes.
These may be worn for religious reasons but must be in school colours – green, black, or white
It is not appropriate for children to wear jewellery except a sensible watch and a pair of small plain stud earrings. Earings must be removed for PE and not tapped. Watches – to be analogue or digital. No smart watches. Fitbits are allowed.
Hairstyles should be appropriate for school. All long hair (shoulder length or longer) should be tied back. Headbands or hair bobbles should be plain green, black, or white.
Nail Varnish
Nail varnish should not be worn in school.
Other items
Children need a coat for school, wellies (Nursery and Reception) and in the summer need a sunhat – all to be provided from home and named.
School Bags
Early Years and Key Stage 1 children bring a book bag which can be stored in their tray.
There is a great shortage of space in the cloakrooms for Key Stage 2 children, so we ask children not to bring in large bags. Lunch boxes can be carried and stored on trolleys.
Equality Impact Assessment
We as a school community have a commitment to promote equality. Therefore, an equality impact assessment has been undertaken and we believe this policy is in line with the Equality Act 2010 as it is fair, it does not prioritise or disadvantage any pupil and it helps to promote equality at this school.
Monitoring and Review
The governing body monitors and reviews the school uniform policy through its committee work by: seeking the views of parents, to ensure that they agree with and support the policy; considering, with the Headteacher, any requests from parents for individual children to have special dispensation with regard to school uniform;
Name: |
Uniform Policy |
Approval Date: |
September 2022 |
Review frequency: |
September 2024 |