TfL Travel for Life

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We are part of the TfL education programme called TfL Travel for Life.

Being a part of this programme, we're determined to help young Londoners travel better and make better decisions that impact their lives and the lives of those around them. 

What we have achieved towards the accreditation and to support our children in developing independence, confidence and the way they travel to and from school:

  • Balance bike training for our Nursery children

  • Working in partnership with the local police and emergency services with visits to Nursery and Reception

  • Year 6 being a part of the Junior Citizenship Scheme

  • Integrated bikes and scooters into Opal play

  • Communicating upcoming cycle events and walk to school events to parents in our newsletters

  • Working towards the Green Flag Eco Schools award

  • Adapting some of our school trips to include walking or public transport

  • Taking part in the Pinner Wood Trailblazers (Daily Mile) across the school

  • Including Outdoor Learning lessons as part of our curriculum for Reception - Year 6

What we want to do next:

  • Celebrate Walk to School Week

  • Make links with some of our local schools

  • Bikeablity Training for our older students

  • Make links between travel, sustainability and art

  • Continue to promote our school trips that use walking or public transport

Please find our Active Travel policy below.

Find us on a map

Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468
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Pinner Wood School

Latimer Gardens, HA5 3RA

Main Office | 020 8868 2468